Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On wheels again....

...only this time it's good news!!

Katelyn had her last leg x-ray at the end of August and was cleared for all physical activity again. This prompted a renewed interest in her bike. She decided that she was ready to learn to ride without training wheels. We had a pretty wobbly start -- she was not a huge fan of feeling like she was going to fall over. After a few trips back and forth with me holding her steady, my neighbor saved us! She gave us the wonderful tip that they learned from a local bike shop -- take off the pedals!! I thought the idea sounded a little odd at first, but it worked. She was able to sit on the seat, push with her feet and learn to balance while coasting and not worrying about pedaling -- plus her feet were all ready for when she lost her balance. By day two, she could coast pretty well and wanted her pedals back. She needed a little help getting started while getting used to pedaling and balancing at the same time, but by day three she was off and riding. Absolutely amazing!!!!