Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Catching up

Once again I haven't been updating my blog in awhile, so let me try to catch up a little.

On the last day of school, Katelyn traded in her full leg cast for a lovely below-the-knee model - in flourescent pink of course. Bending her knee was tough at first and she had great tan lines, but was definitely glad to be able to move her leg a bit more. After a week in the short cast she was able to put on a special shoe so she could walk on it. That took some practice, but it didn't take too long until she was practically skipping. The best part though was the amazing Xerosox which let her swim with her cast on -- not just carefully floating on a raft, but jumping into the water swimming. What a life-saver for the summer! Last Tuesday, her short cast was removed and she was cleared to walk all on her own. She will likely be limping for another week or so, but it's so nice to see 'normal' on the horizon again.

With Katelyn able to swim we've been enjoying much more time at the lake. Here are a few pictures from when our friends - Matt, Becky, Caroline and Madi spent the weekend.

Katelyn modeling her Xerosox

Doesn't look like the kids were having any fun, does it?

What can be better than one of your best buddies coming out in a matching princess swimsuit??
stay tuned...more to come

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