Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day!!!

Today was our second snowfall of the year with a whopping inch maybe an inch and a half of snow - and of course school was cancelled - even daycare! Since Katelyn was quite disappointed that she didn't get to play in the snow last time, we were determined to get out there and do some sledding -- at 9:30 in the morning!

It's quite funny to see kids sledding in the south. Not too many of them have actual sleds. I saw one old fashioned sled with metal blades, a few plastic sleds, several lids to rubbermaid storage bins and lots of "Boogie Boards" really meant for riding the waves.

There really aren't any good sledding hills so the neighborhood kids all head to the golf course. We were right there with them this time. Here is some video of the kids sledding:

It was quite cold so after about 45 minutes we were all ready to head inside for some hot chocolate!

The snow definitely looked pretty and I'm glad the kids got a chance to play in it a bit, but I'm looking forward to the weekend when we're expecting temperatures to climb into the mid-60s!

Stay warm!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

still here

For those reading this....yes we are still here and doing well. I can't believe a whole month has gone by. Katelyn and Lindsay are truly experiencing the joys of sisterhood these days --- they fight with each other what feels like all the time. And it's all over very important things like Barbie dolls, stuffed animals, who gets to choose the television show, who gets to have a playdate with a friend, etc. Which brings me to why I don't have time to blog - I can't keep up with my kids' social calendar. Last weekend, Katelyn slept at a friends' house Thursday night since there was not school Friday. Friday night went to a sleepover birthday party, then managed to get us to say yes to having friend over Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile, Lindsay and I spent Saturday morning at her friend's house and on Sunday they each had a friend over. So we're keeping things a bit low-key this weekend in preparation for birthday season to start next week -- 4 birthday party invites for next Sat/Sun!! Really I'm very happy that the girls have lots of friends, but it's a bit much when they have more to do in a weekend than I do in a month!

Thankfully it's not all fighting. They did spend a few hours "smash painting" all by themselves in the kitchen. Katelyn did it in school and then she and Lindsay experimented at home. Smash painting led to finger-painting which yielded all of these beautiful pieces of art -- I didn't even mind that they were covered in paint since we ended up with some perfect handprints!

Here's Lindsay growing into the papercrafting hobby. She loves to cut out letters - especially her letters - (the ones in her name - she seems to think they're hers!) It looks like it won't be long and I will be able to have some long scrapbooking sessions with my 2 assistants - provided I make sure everyone has enough elbow room :)
And yes, I know my picture is quite blurry - the flash on my camera is broken, so I'm on a search for a new camera - any recomendations on compact cameras with lots of zoom capability?