Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Snow Day!!!

Today was our second snowfall of the year with a whopping inch maybe an inch and a half of snow - and of course school was cancelled - even daycare! Since Katelyn was quite disappointed that she didn't get to play in the snow last time, we were determined to get out there and do some sledding -- at 9:30 in the morning!

It's quite funny to see kids sledding in the south. Not too many of them have actual sleds. I saw one old fashioned sled with metal blades, a few plastic sleds, several lids to rubbermaid storage bins and lots of "Boogie Boards" really meant for riding the waves.

There really aren't any good sledding hills so the neighborhood kids all head to the golf course. We were right there with them this time. Here is some video of the kids sledding:

It was quite cold so after about 45 minutes we were all ready to head inside for some hot chocolate!

The snow definitely looked pretty and I'm glad the kids got a chance to play in it a bit, but I'm looking forward to the weekend when we're expecting temperatures to climb into the mid-60s!

Stay warm!

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