Friday, March 14, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is ....

my two front teeth!!

Two weeks ago, Katelyn lost her first top tooth while having her teeth cleaned at the dentist. The hygenist panicked a bit until she found the tooth stuck in the collar of Katelyn's shirt. We knew that her other front tooth was also wiggly, so it was just a matter of time. Well, the other night while brushing her teeth (and then nearly fainting at the sight of her own blood in the sink) - Katelyn was able to use a washcloth and pull out that other front tooth - Go figure!

Spring is probably my favorite season. I love the transition to warm weather. Beautiful sunny days in the 70s, light breezes, not yet in the heat of the summer, birds chirping, gorgeous trees and flowers blooming everywhere.... (So at this point maybe you're thinking there she goes just rambling...but wait, there really is a tie to my Christmas title.) Now that it's staying light later, we spend a bit more time outdoors in the evenings. The other day after walking out front, looking across at the trees, Lindsay proclaimed "Look, Mommy there's snow!"

Even after seeing the blooms close up she still wasn't convinced that the treetops weren't covered in snow. Maybe we will need to plan a winter trip to NY one of these days, so my dear sweet daughter will be able to tell the difference between a snow covered tree and one in full bloom! ;) Although, she is also asking what Santa is going to bring her for her birthday....maybe she just likes winter!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would be most happy to send you some of our snow...21 inches last weekend and still enough on the ground.
Aunt Kathy