Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Miss Matched

Lindsay has certainly been showing quite a streak of independence lately. Pretty much anything you ask her to do, her response is "No". Often we're lucky enough to witness a really good know the laying on the floor, kicking and screaming kind. What she doesn't understand yet is that she's child number two. As a new mom with Katelyn I would have been mortified if she'd done that and I probably gave in to quite a bit to avoid those sorts of public displays. But having been there done that and seeing that the bargaining often doesn't work out for the best, Lindsay gets the opportunity to display her emotions - even if that means other parents have to step around her in the daycare hallways. I've learned to patiently wait out the tantrums and not let my blood pressure rise (too much) and I'm learning which battles to fight and which to leave alone.

So, while I'm just a little envious when I see kids dressed in beautifully coordinated outfits - down to the socks and hairbows, I've accepted that matching clothing is just not one of the battles I'm willing to fight. Lindsay has been especially picky about what she wears these days. It started out rather innocently as she would get dressed in her jammies all by herself. I remember thinking -- wow she's getting changed all by herself - how can I complain if she doesn't match or if her shirt is on backwards -- and while they weren't meant to go together she does look kinda cute.

Well....she's branched out now into choosing her clothes during the day now too. At first it wasn't too awful ... I mean red does go with light blue a little right ... and her toenails do match her shirt.

But it gets better .... I guess I forgot to give her the fashion lesson about mixing patterns ;)

And this past Sunday's outfit by far takes the cake - yes she did go to church in March wearing a Santa dress and teal pants with pink flowers. And oddly enough there are so many kids at our church that I don't think we even got any strange looks.

So I'm learning to enjoy the fact that most days she gets dressed all by herself and that she's learning to make choices. She sometimes even asks now if her clothes match (note - it doesn't affect her decision to wear it or not yet though). And I know only too well that she'll eventually learn to coordinate but that she'll get much pickier about what she wears - so I'll just laugh and take lots of pictures to embarass her with later!

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