Thursday, February 28, 2008

Back to Normal .... almost

Now that I'm feeling much better, it's time for another update....I guess the late nights in Vegas put me over the edge because I haven't had a cold knock me out quite like this one did. But I'm so glad to be able to actually stay awake all day again :)

The girls missed us of course, but had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa. Katelyn keeps a journal for school and just last night she wrote all about it -- with a page and a half dedicated to the trip to Build-a-Bear - and surprise - not a single mention of the final price tag. I thought after hearing how many times you all ate chicken and noodles that I'd need to be creative with meals, but the girls are staying true to form and ate noodles last night and Katelyn's taken chicken to school for lunch at least a few times this week. Although they do have a new favorite snack (thanks Mom!) - Apples dipped in cinnamon-sugar -- or as Lindsay says "spinamon"

The highlight of the weekend for Mike and Katelyn was definitely the father-daughter dance. Lindsay didn't go, but she had to put on a dress and get in the picture :)

I managed to "sneak" into the dance and get a few pictures. I just loved seeing her dancing with Mike and with her friends.

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