Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cookie Mom

Katelyn is in her second year of girl scouts now -- she's a Brownie. Part way through last year she wanted me to become troop leader this year. I explained that it didn't work that way -- that most times troop leaders stay with their troops, so if she wanted to stay in her same troop I couldn't be troop leader. Her troop leaders are the moms of 2 of her very good friends - so I couldn't understand why it was such a big deal for me to be troop leader. Her explanation....."but Mom, Sarah and Julia get patches that say 'My mom is a troop leader'!" Later she realized that the mom who volunteered to help with cookies also got a patch for her daughter saying "My mom is the cookie mom". So we compromised, I'm not a troop leader (phew!) but this year .... I'm the official Cookie Mom for her troop.

Katelyn did a great job selling this year. She's sold just over 200 boxes and is the top seller for her troop. (Thanks to everyone who bought cookies! :) I picked up about 1000 boxes of cookies - completely filling my Explorer - and then completely filling my dining room.

Luckily we had a beautiful sunny weekend since we spent nearly 3 hours delivering in our neighborhood and another 3 hours working at a booth outside of Lowe's grocery store.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jen and Kate.
That is a lot of cookies.
Aunt Kathy