Sunday, April 6, 2008

Parrots in Disguise

Once our kids were beginning to mimic sounds and especially words, we became very cautious about what we and others said in front of them - not wanting them to pick up any inappropriate words. Thankfully, in our house the "s-word" is still "stupid" and we haven't had to address the real bad words yet. But what we didn't count on was how hysterical it would be to hear our words and phrases repeated back by our children.

Some examples of our little parrots:

The other morning Lindsay was doing something to annoy Katelyn when all of a sudden I hear Katelyn say "Lindsay, stop it! I don't want to have to yell this morning!"

Then this evening while Mike was diligently untwisting every wire twist tie, peeling back half a roll of tape, and cutting several plastic fasteners to get out Lindsay's Dora doll out of its packaging, several pieces fell to the ground. When I asked Lindsay if she was going to pick them up, her reply was "No, Daddy has to do it. He made the mess!"


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh my ... we're getting that here, too. The other day I dropped the salt shaker & the salt came pouring out the bottom onto the floor. Anna gasped & yelled "SHHHHHHH --- OOOOOOT"! So happy it was 'shoot'! :) Can't believe Lindsay is 3 already!!

April 7, 2008 1:25 PM

Anonymous said...

Hey Jen, what is really funny as well is when WE begin saying all the things OUR mothers or dads did as we were growing up.
I know there were times when I would say, "Gee, I sound just like my mother."
It is funny to listen to the kids though.
Love...Aunt Kathy