Monday, August 25, 2008

First Day of School

Today began a new school year. I can't believe that Katelyn is in SECOND GRADE!!! She has grown up so much since her first day of Kindergarten, yet it seems like it could've been last week. Long gone is the anxiety about riding the bus. Now it's replaced with "which of my friends will be in my class" and "how cool - I heard my teacher EXPLODES something in science class!"

Here she is in the "front-step" pose:

And a shot of her boarding the bus (notice, she didn't even look back to wave this year, sniff, sniff):

Of course, I can't leave out Lindsay's first day of preschool. Her daycare is switching to a school calendar schedule, so she started out in a new room today. When I asked her new teachers how this room differed from the last, I was told that their focus on early reading and math skills was more intense in this room - I should've asked for more clarification -- maybe they are going to practice counting louder now :) Needless to say, Lindsay loves any chance to act "big". So, here she is with her big red backpack ... filled with the very heavy purple bear which causing her to double-over!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember her first day of kindergarten!! Hard to believe that was 2 years ago. Anna was only 2 months old as we waited at the bus stop with you . . .

My how 2 years have changed Katelyn!