Monday, August 25, 2008

Go Panthers!

Saturday night was Lindsay's first Panthers game. Mike and I go to every home game and last year she started asking when she would get to go. So we decided pre-season would be the perfect time to take the girls with us. It turns out that pre-season games are very popular with families. Friends of ours took their kids too. Here are some tailgating pics:

Both girls were very interested in what was going on and asked LOTS of questions. We had our fill of popcorn, peanuts, soda and even milkshakes! I'm sure the sugar helped, but we stayed until the end of the third quarter - longer than I anticipated with Linds!
Lindsay's favorite was "Mini Meow" a miniature version of the Panthers mascot Sir Purr. So much so that she was sad when we got home that she didn't get to say goodbye to Mini Meow and that she wanted him to come to her house! I'd say Katelyn likes the song they play when the Panthers score the best - and lucky for us they did plenty of scoring! She was up on her feet cheering and dancing every time.
What a fun way to spend some family time!

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