Friday, November 14, 2008

Free Country

Usually Lindsay is the one that comes out with the one liners, comments or stories that really make us laugh. But the other night Katelyn caught us both off guard. To set the stage we were all in my bed watching the Country Music Awards. Depending on the song, the girls were getting up and dancing and just in general bouncing around. After about the hundredth time of being bumped and kicked, Mike asked Katelyn if she could just sit still and watch. Her response: Dad - I need some freedom. This is a free country! I think it's just a side effect of all the political discussions lately, but I'm a little nervous now of what the teenage years will be like ;)

Here's a few of Lindsay's funny conversations:

Lindsay: Mom, I was tough today.
Me: Why, what happened?
Lindsay: I was wrestling at school and I got hurt and didn't cry. But my teacher made us stop.
She sounded genuinely disappointed that she and her friend had to stop wrestling, but very proud of herself that she was a tough girl and didn't cry. If only she could be that tough when I tell her "No"!

Lindsay (after pealing a banana and dropping it): Mom, I dropped my banana wrapper!
(Do you think maybe there is a bit too much packaged food these days?)

After several requests for candy, fruit snacks and any other junk food in the cupboard and me offering crackers, fruit, anything remotely healthy:
Lindsay: Mom, can I have sweet things?
Me(annoyed): No, Lindsay I told you no more sugar or junk food.
Lindsay(protesting): But Mom, you said I could have sweet things.
Me(protesting): NO, I said no more sweet things.
Lindsay(crying): But you said I could have sweet things, like at school.
After looking in the cupboard again, I had a lightbulb moment and realized she wanted "Wheat Thins"!!!

P.S. Hope you like my new blog many fun ones to choose from!

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