Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween

With each year Halloween is becoming more and more fun. The girls are getting into it earlier and earlier - planning their costumes and designing their pumpkin faces. Each year they go to Nana and PopPops to paint pumpkins. Mike and I were not prepared for what they brought home. Nana definitely outdid herself this year. I wish I knew of a pumpkin decorating contest nearby because these certainly would have won a prize!

Pumpkin carving is one of my favorite things to do with Katelyn and Lindsay. I remember growing up and choosing the shape of my pumpkin top and all the features as my Dad was carving pumpkins for me and my brothers. I remember year after year choosing more challenging features - especially eyes. Well, technology is giving my girls an advantage I didn't have. This year Katelyn found a pumpkin designing wizard on She and Lindsay each designed their pumpkins and gave me a printout to work from! I'm also glad to see that my girlie girls are finally able to enjoy scooping out pumpkin guts without being grossed out :)

Trick-or-Treating with their cousins, Ally and CJ, couldn't have been better. No more wagons to pull the little ones. Lindsay made it the whole way without needing to be carried -- although her pumpkin full of treats was too heavy for her after awhile :) Does that give a hint as to how much candy we now have??? (At the 10:15 am - the time I'm writing this I've already been asked at least 5 times for candy...I don't suppose that will slow now until sometime after Easter! Who decided we needed candy at every holiday anyway?)

We saw a lot of very cute costumes this year, but I must say we definitely have the cutest witch and princess fairy by far!

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