Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother of the Year

We spent a wonderful Mother's day weekend at the lake. Nice and relaxing. Wonderful weather - can you believe we were in the lake in early May? Well the kids were in much more than me.

We continued our tradition of Mother's Day strawberry picking and headed home with 3 1/2 gallons after just 40 minutes. Anyone have good strawberry recipes? Send them quick!

Upon returning home I found that my dear friend Stefanie nominated me for Mother of the Year and guess what? ............................. I won!!!

Do you think it was my acceptance of child labor?

Or unsafe working conditons?

Or maybe keeping the kids out so late they fall asleep at dinner? (really it was just 5:00 pm)

How about letting them drive at an early age?

Or for being sure they're dressed in weather-appropriate attire? (yes look closely, that's Katelyn's bare belly showing while making a snow angel)

Who knows? But Click here for the full story (Thanks Stef - love ya!)

Ok, so even I'm not really Mother of the Year,
my kids think I'm pretty special. One of the cards Katelyn made me this year is an acrostic poem (very big with 2nd graders):
M - Marvelous
O - Other than mean
T - Terrified by nothing
H - Hates snakes
E - Entertaining
R - Right all the time
How cool is that?? Her other card started out with a little poem:
Here's a gift for Mother's Day,
I'll try my best in every way.
But when you get upset with me,
Relax and have a pot of tea!
Inside the card - a teabag!! Too funny.

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