Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Home Alone

The house is soooooo quiet. It's Mike's golf league night and the girls are up in NY staying with parents, so it's just me and Duncan. Very quiet. I actually ran some errands after work and *gasp* did some shopping for myself. It all feels a little strange :) So being here all by my lonesome I am FINALLY able to sit down, collect some thoughts, upload some pictures and update this blog. There is no way I am going to try to recap the entire summer, but holy cow I can't believe it's August already. I'm not really ready for the whole "back to school" thing. Summer has flown by entirely too fast.

We have managed to spend nearly every weekend at the lake - spending time with family and friends. We borrowed a friend's boat for 4th of July and absolutely LOVED it!!!! Stay crystal ball might see one in our future :) I got Mike a hammock for Father's Day and I must say I think that might be my favorite spot now. Besides the usual relaxing, swimming, fishing, going tubing has been one of the favorite activities. Katelyn even learned to knee-board! Here are a few of my favorite pics from the lake this summer in random order:

I had to sneak this one in....Lindsay wasn't a big fan of dance class, but she sure looked cute!

Mike & I just got back from our annual August trip to Endicott. He played in the BCC golf tournament -- no big winnings this year :( While he was spending his days golfing, my mom and I took the girls to NYC to visit my aunt Jane. We had a fantastic time. The girls loved every bit of it. We saw The Little Mermaid on Broadway, saw the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island, went to the top of the Rockefellar building to see gorgeous views of the city -- all of which the kids enjoyed too. But do you know what their highlights were??? riding the subway....the taxi ride home from the theater....swimming in the pool at my aunt's building (ok it was pretty cool that it was on the roof of a 32 story building).....riding in the apartment building elevator....and last but certainly not least was visiting the American Girl store.

Super fun....but clearly exhausting :)
So now Katelyn and Lindsay are busy tiring out my parents. I'm sure they will come home with lots of stories to share.

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