A funny story from this morning at the breakfast table:
Katelyn (my rule follower) says : "Mom, did you ever get in trouble at school."
Me (since I was such a good girl) responded: "No, not really. Well, maybe a little for talking. Do you get in trouble for talking sometimes?"
Katelyn: "Yeah, sometimes"
Lindsay chimes in: "I definitely do a lot"
After lots of laughter she looks at me with this innocent look and says "What? I do!"
Not that this is news to us....she has a list of friends that she cannot sit next to during circle time. Kindergarten next year? Look out!
Wow, they've grown up!! Too cute. Was the last time I saw you really when we walked Katelyn to the bus stop for kindergarten??? Please tell me no.
Sadly I think you might be right :( We need to fix that soon.
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