Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Back to School

So the girls are back in school - Katelyn in 3rd grade and Lindsay in Pre-K. Hard to believe. Katelyn's return to school was more like a reunion - she has the same teacher (who she loves) and mostly the same class. She's thrilled to be back seeing her friends everyday. Lindsay rather enjoyed the more casual summer at Primrose and really isn't that into wearing uniforms. She does love her teachers and is glad to have many of her friends move up into her room.

A funny story from this morning at the breakfast table:

Katelyn (my rule follower) says : "Mom, did you ever get in trouble at school."
Me (since I was such a good girl) responded: "No, not really. Well, maybe a little for talking. Do you get in trouble for talking sometimes?"
Katelyn: "Yeah, sometimes"
Lindsay chimes in: "I definitely do a lot"
After lots of laughter she looks at me with this innocent look and says "What? I do!"

Not that this is news to us....she has a list of friends that she cannot sit next to during circle time. Kindergarten next year? Look out!


Anonymous said...

Wow, they've grown up!! Too cute. Was the last time I saw you really when we walked Katelyn to the bus stop for kindergarten??? Please tell me no.

Jen said...

Sadly I think you might be right :( We need to fix that soon.