Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Sweet, Not so sweet - depends on the day

So they might look cute and despite every effort to fill them with sugar, they're not always so sweet. We've taken great pleasure at how well they get along and how they play so nicely together. Well apparently the honeymoon is over. We knew it would happen sooner or later - we were just hoping for later! It seems that lately we can't get through a day without some type of fight. Whether it's fighting over who's turn it is to pick the TV show or who gets to sit on the tall stool at the table (which is now in the basement BTW) or battles over basic necessities like getting dressed. Who knew that my threat to send Lindsay to school in her pajamas would backfire on me -- I think she actually took some pleasure in it this morning. Now that I think about it, it may become a regular occurrence ... much easier than struggling to dress a squirming toddler! The most frustrating (yet very entertaining) are the times when Lindsay picks up something that belongs to Katelyn. In the past Katelyn has been a very willing sharer, but lately if anyone, especially Lindsay, touches her stuff it's a big deal. So of course Lindsay picks up on this and LOVES to take things and run with them - with Katelyn screaming and chasing. Quite comical to watch if we can stop it before things get out of control.

But just when we're ready to throw in the towel and send them off to boarding school, they resurface those sweet sisterly tendencies. So just before I threaten to remove every television in the house, Katelyn will selflessly agree to watch yet another episode of Dora. My favorite moment was the other day when they were opening an Easter package from Aunt Jane (Thanks, Aunt Jane!). There were 2 easter baskets in the box, each filled with the exact same items. The only difference was that one basket was purple and the other was yellow. Lindsay picked up the purple one (I think because it was closer). Apparently having the purple one was very important to Kate. Of course Lindsay then decided she wanted the purple one too. As I was trying to rationalize with Katelyn that the basket color didn't really matter, Lindsay looked up and asked Katelyn if she wanted to trade. Maybe you had to be there, but the sweet look on Lindsay's face as she offered the basket was so genuine and Katelyn seemed utterly shocked, yet managed to remember her manners with a huge smile, thank you and hug for her little sis. So sweet!

Well, I've rambled quite enough for today, but wanted to share some pictures from our recent Easter activities.

Egg hunting - we had several egg hunts this year. Here's one with at Nana & Grandpa's house with their cousins Ally & CJ.

Preparing treats for the kids classmates (Thanks, Aunt Kathy!):

Lindsay's Easter bonnet parade:

Coloring eggs:

Easter Dinner with Great-GrandPop, Nana, PopPop, Kelly, Keith, Ally & CJ

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, the joy of having a sister :)
Love the new picture on top!